A near miss
Maria nearly had another incident yesterday. I have developed the habit of leaving her lying on the couch while I do other things. I know, I know, all the advice says never to do those kinds of things. *slap* Bad uncle!
Then, as these stories always go, I turned my back for just a second. I turned back and she was halfway through a roll that was going to take her off the couch and face down on the tile floor. I leapt across the room with a speed and agility you wouldn't expect from someone of my age and weight class, and caught her just inches from the floor.
OK, Maria, this "fall down go boom" thing isn't funny anymore.
In other news, Cathy got Maria a wooden bench. I guess it's the hard surface, but when Maria sits on it she moves differently than I've ever seen her. She shifts her body back and forth with this strange little grin. She is very good at catching herself if she starts to slump to the side (unless her thumb is in her mouth, then she goes down with a big grin knowing Uncle Andy will catch her).
Cathy found a swimming pool in town that is just for special needs kids. She visited it once and there were only a few people there, which is nice because it's no fun when there are a zillion people in the water. We hope to take Maria there some time, but it's so hard to find the time in Maria's busy schedule. She does well in water, so we'll find the time some day.
Incidentally, I moved the pictures link on the left side from the bottom to the top. It's the one link that people use the most and it's silly to have to scroll all the way down to find it.
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