Monday, June 05, 2006

Sitting pretty

Maria has been having a VERY good sitting day. Cathy said she did great with the vision therapist this morning. The PT just left and Maria was sitting like a pro. She must have gone two minutes or longer sitting with no help, not even a light touch to correct her balance. That's a huge improvement over what she's been doing. She's also getting good at doing sit-ups -- if she's in a reclined position she'll pull herself up to sitting. It's not the best way for a kid her age to sit up (she can't do it from a completely supine position) but she's definitely showing interest in sitting.

Her weird red bumps are fading; we still aren't sure what they were. Her allergies are a little better, which often happens here as the mercury pushes past 110 degrees. I know my allergies disappeared as of a couple of days ago.

Her Aunt Rosanne will be in town for a few days, so that will be fun for her.


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