Stand in the place where you live
Maria continues to improve with supported standing. It's going to be a while before she's doing it on her own, but she requires less and less help and can hold a standing position for quite some time. At this point I'm not sure she needs the stander anymore, becase I think she does better with one of us holding her up as it gives her more freedom to test her balance. But standing is like everything else -- if she's not in the mood then she won't do it.
Maria loves her magic spray and each time we spray it in her mouth, she gets this big grin. Cathy tried to get it on video and the INSTANT the camera was on, Maria started to act like the spray was just horrible and went into full drama queen mode. The little scamp.
She continues to be very thumb-centric, which interferes with her sitting. But she's also learning to correct her balance with just her trunk, so she's still making progress.
She loves her music therapy and is just mesmerized when the therapist plays the guitar. We did some music therapy with Maria on the resonance board (with the guitar pressed against the board) and she really liked it but tired after about ten minutes.
We keep meaning to work on cup drinking with her, but it just gets lost with all her other stuff. I remind myself that at this point frequency is more important that duration, and my goal is to use the cup at least once every time it's one of my Maria days. I think she likes the independence of it and needs the chance to learn the skills.
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