Friday, December 08, 2006

Maria's a big, big girl

Maria has gained a pound in the last month, so we're feeling a little better about that. We aren't sure HOW she has gained the weight, because she hasn't been eating that well for the last week or two. She was sick earlier in the week (fever, not eating or drinking, sleeping a lot) but just for a day.

Her burst of development continues. She's using her fingers in very subtle ways. When I clap her hand against mine, she no longer clenches her fist but opens her hand so that it makes noise. She can find things that she drops and is much better at feeding herself small bits of food with her hands. She frequently tries to pull herself up into sitting and standing positions. She doesn't arch back so much when she's sitting and standing so is more stable. She shakes maracas and strums the music therapist's guitar. She's making more syllable-like sounds and occasionally babbles back and forth with me. It's all very exciting!


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