Maria's developmental leap
One of Maria's therapists was saying that this latest jump in development is normal. All kids make sudden progress around the age of 2 1/2. I was surprised that Maria would have the same jump considering how behind she is, but apparently this is more of an emotional leap. It's similar to how Maria is going through the terrible twos right now - well, her sweet and calm version of the terrible twos anyhow. It's an emotional stage rather than a cognitive one.
Maria has her first meeting with the new feeding therapist tomorrow, then her eye appointment where she will probably get a prescription for glasses. The vision therapist says that Maria will probably realize that the glasses are helping her so won't pull them off so much. We will be able to attach her hearing aids to the glasses so we won't have that string getting tangled everywhere.
What make are her hearing aids?
I don't know off hand. These are loaners we got from the audiologist and we are going to have to give them back soon and buy our own.
I finally got a chance to look at them and they are Senso hearing aids.
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