Friday, September 02, 2005

Gastro Schmastro

Today we went to see the gastroenterologist (GI) and the nutritionist (they work together). I was assuming (as was Andy, which is why he didn't come) that since yesterday's barium swallow went so well that the GI guy would be happy and dismiss us with a wave and a smile. Ha! This is the guy who at first wasn't in a rush to put a G-tube in her stomach, but then got a bug up his butt that she needed one and won't get off it. If you recall, we saw him a month ago and he said it was basically a miracle that Maria was drinking the bottle again and he wanted her to get a barium swallow because he's sure she's aspirating and if she is he wants to put in a G-tube, blahblahblah.

When we went in, they weighed her and she weighed 20 lb 14 oz and is 29.5 inches long. She's lost almost 3 pounds since her birthday 2 1/2 months ago (remembering this is on different scales and naked vs with diaper), and almost a pound since we saw the GI guy last, so she's now in the perfect height-weight range. That sounds ok, right? He says now he fears she's in a weight free-fall and needs more calories or else we're going to have to go back to a feeding tube, probably in the stomach not the nose because we don't want to have to mess with the one in the nose. I got the impression he thinks she's eating/drinking as much as she can and is still losing weight.

So, I tried to explain that she eats and drinks beautifully and would eat/drink more, but I've been feeding her the same amount for several months because people (mostly doctors) keep telling me how FAT she is. And poor Manolis is there hearing "feeding tube" and understandably is getting worried. Meanwhile, I'm sitting there trying hard not to either laugh or say "You are so full of shit!". They want me to start feeding her Pediasure, which is a formula with more calories than cow or soy milk. Fine. He also cautioned me on thinning her liquids too fast (duh), and that I shouldn't give her chunky food because she could choke (duh), and he wants to see her in 2 months. Whatever.

It just cracks me up that the doctors can't be happy with her progress and improvements, while the therapists are thrilled with how she's doing w/o being unreasonably optomistic. What these recent doc appointments have done is make me realize how well I know my daughter and what a damn fine job I'm doing (and how full of crap they are). So, another pretty good day. Chalk another one up for Maria!!!

I can't be too smug, however, considering what's going on in the Gulf states. I can't stop watching the news coverage, and I can't stop thinking how it would be if it was us 14 months ago with Maria in the NICU (newborn intensive care) and no food no water no electricity..... At least I could have fed her (and some of the other babies too, for that matter). Anyway, it's just awful, that's all I'll say or I'll go on another rant...


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