More new videos
Two more videos at Maria's Website. One shows clearly that she can hear; conveniently, this one happened in front of the hearing therapist. The second shows the landmark rolling over incident.
Two more videos at Maria's Website. One shows clearly that she can hear; conveniently, this one happened in front of the hearing therapist. The second shows the landmark rolling over incident.
The thing about babies, particularly babies who are taking their time in terms of development, is you need to be careful not to consider every random muscle spasm to be some kind of developmental milestone. When something happens, it needs to happen several times consistently before it's worth getting excited about.
I posted three new videos over at her website. I also corrected a couple of problems with the pictures I posted earlier.
Yesterday we went to the gastroenterologist. He was very pleased that Maria's drinking her bottle again. He doesn't really believe it, though, because it's VERY unusual for a baby to start drinking from a bottle when she quits and has an NG tube. In fact, he's so shocked that we have to go get another barium swallow to make sure she's not aspirating -- he feels something has to be going wrong, she can't just be drinking again like a normal baby. In fact, he used the word "miracle" (kind of like the "miracle" of the mass in the Aqueduct of Sylvius in Maria's brain that mysteriously disappeared in December). The docs just don't quite know how to figure little Miss Maria out... He did say, however, if she stops drinking the bottle again and won't take enough liquid from a cup or if she's aspirating all thicknesses of liquid, then she still has to get the G tube in her stomach. Mom says, "yea, whatever."
I finally posted about three dozen new pictures to the website. There are still a couple of videos that I need to upload, but I need to free up some space first. I'll delete the larger versions of the oldest pictures. I'll keep the smaller versions around, since they are tiny compared to the huge version (which probably no one looks at anyhow).
So, finally, after months of aggravation, it looks like Manolis is coming this Saturday night! It took him all day today at his immigration appointment, he said 4 people checked him out. But he said they were all very friendly with him and happy for him and the baby and our story. (Not sure why they've been so ugly up until now???)
Maria continues to drink from the bottle quite well. The NG tube has been out for 5-6 days now! She doesn't seem to like straight cow's milk, but likes mixtures of cow with either rice or soy milk. She sucks it down likes she's done this her whole life. Let's just hope she keeps it up.