Sunday, January 28, 2007

Long time no update

Maria's been a bit "off her feed" lately, though she seems to be coming back. We think she was nursing a minor flu that's been going around but we all get nervous when she doesn't eat.

The new feeding therapist is shocked by how quickly Maria is progressing. Although she's had a bit of a setback handling chunky foods, since we tended to feed her more mushy stuff while she was sick, she's made great progress in other areas. She can drink decently from an open cup (though we have to hold it) or a straw, and knows to close her mouth so it doesn't dribble out. She still gets most of her liquids from the bottle, but it's progress.

The feeding therapist is OK, but we were really spoiled by how good her last one was. I explained to her that giving us a bunch of new activities probably won't work since Maria's schedule is already so busy. If she focuses on activities that we can do in parallel, like using an open cup rather than a bottle during meals, is much more helpful. She seemed receptive to that.

We lost Maria's music therapist to another job where she doesn't have to drive around so much. She had a friend who took over for her, but we haven't had much of a chance to see if she's any good. The feeding therapist mentioned that she also knew a music therapist who does home visits if this one doesn't work out.

During Maria's sickness, she also slacked off on standing and sitting up, but she's REALLY gotten into moving. She rolls around a lot and sometimes pulls herself forward toward objects. Cathy's had to put up a baby fence to keep her off the tile - she just loves to lick the tile.

I'm sure there's been lots more but it's been so long since an update, I better get this up before I forget.


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