Monday, March 05, 2007

Bye-bye Blogger

I've moved the blog over the Maria's new website. You can now find it at this new location. All the old posts are over there - I think. I managed to delete one by accident but recreated it.

I'll keep this blog open for a while but all new updates will be at the new location. Update your bookmarks accordingly.

Sunday, March 04, 2007

Go Daddy!

Last week I was in Lander, Wyoming all week, so Manolis was alone with Maria for four nights, and guess what? They did great! In fact, he got her to bed earlier than I usually do. He seems so relaxed about staying with her now, such a difference from even a few short months ago.

Another exciting thing: it's been 2 or 3 weeks since Maria moved into her own room and she continues to sleep so much better than when she was in my room. She seems to get tired shortly before we put her to bed, whereas before, she never seemed to get tired. Now, most nights she falls asleep within 15 minutes. Just blows my mind!!!

I'm trying a new thing now recommended by the feeding therapist --it's called poop goop and consists of figs, prunes, honey, and senna powder. It's for constipation. Only 1/4 t per day. I didn't follow the recipie exactly, so I don't know if I messed it up or not. You're supposed to chop up the figs and prunes together, heat up the honey (or molasses), mix in the senna powder, remove from heat, then add the fruit. I mixed the honey in with the fruit to the food processor to chop everything up, then put it on the stove and added the senna powder. It became so hard that I thought I was going to break the wooden spoon... We'll see if it works or if I need to try again.

Saturday, March 03, 2007

Maria's new site

Maria's website has moved to a new location at It's the same site, just a different address. I'll be moving the blog over in a few days but I'll have a link from here.

Thursday, March 01, 2007

Blog glitches

There are a few problems with the blog right now, such as Maria's picture no longer showing up. The reason is 90% "Blogger sucks" and 10% "Uncle Andy is an idiot". It's nothing critical but it also isn't something I can easily fix. Everything should still work though. I think.