California Dreamin' & Solo Sleepin'
Maria & I went to California for almost a week to visit Auntie Rose, Uncle Paul, and cousin Amelia. Amelia is a year younger than Maria and although she has played with other kids before, the other kids initiated the play. So along comes little Miss Maria who doesn't initiate and Amelia didn't know what to do except be shy and cry whenever we brought Maria near her. By about the 4th day, Amelia would look at Maria, but no interactions and huge jumps in development like I was hoping for. Oh well, maybe next time.
We had a pretty good time, considering. Maria was sick quite a bit of our vacation, she puked a lot, had a fever a couple of the days, and slept a lot, so we didn't get out and do as much as I wanted to. We 3 girls (Rosanne, Maria, and I) got somewhat caught up on our sleep. Maria slept really well at night, and consequently, so did I. Rosie's been overworked lately, so the extra sleep helped her, as well.
Flying is a bit of a challenge with Maria, but it gets easier each time. I get more experience holding her while folding up or down the wheels of the Sit 'n' Stroll (stroller/car seat combo), and more assertive asking the alleged flight attendants to help me because I can't carry Maria and the car seat down the aisle at the same time. It's amazing how snippy and unfriendly they can be--do they not realize they're supposed to attend to their paying customers??? It helps that Maria is a good traveler!
So now for the most exciting news!! Maria, at almost 2 yrs and 8 months, finally is sleeping in her own room!! While we were gone Manolis moved the crib into her room (and cleaned up the many puddles of cat puke that were hiding under the crib...). She's slept in her new digs only 2 nights so far, but she's done great--she's falling asleep faster and staying asleep longer than when she was in our room. Plus, now I can use the treadmill at 9pm and play on my laptop when I go to bed w/o bothering her. I just hope this blissful calm lasts.