Still sick
Maria's still fighting her whatever-it-is, though she seems to be on the mend. She obviously felt better on Saturday and was more cheerful than before. Yesterday she was eating and drinking better than she has been. I'm sure that's because her Uncle Andy was there :) OK, I suppose the antibiotics may have something to do with it, and they turn her poops the most interesting color!
It is interesting to notice that during this illness she has had a very noticeable decrease in vision. As she feels better, her vision is improving. My understanding is that is very common with cortical vision impairment. It just takes too much energy to process the visual signals so the body degrades vision so it can concentrate on healing.
Maria's got a new stander (on loan) which looks to be this model. We haven't used it yet since we want the physical therapist around the first time we strap her in. It looks sturdier and more stable than the other one, though it takes up a lot of space. I got her in the crawler yesterday for the first time in a long time and she was really doing well. She'd push off my hands with her feet, and even managed to move herself around some. She also pulled herself along on the ground during tummy time and continues to get up on hands and knees.
She has her BAER and MRI on Friday. We don't expect any surprises there, though we are particularly curious about the BAER results.
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