Friday, January 13, 2006


Cathy and I took Maria to Zoolights last week. Every holiday season the zoo puts up displays of lights shaped like animals. Maria seemed to enjoy it. She'd look at the lights and reach out toward them. On the way over I was playing with her in the car and she could see toys held up in front of her even though it was pretty dark. It's still so hard to judge how good her vision is, but it's nice to see her improving.

She has a busy month coming up. She sees her ophthalmologist, has another BAER (hearing) test and MRI, and sees a new neurologist. Her speech therapist is retiring at the end of February, which is a pity because she's done so much good for Maria. Cathy's found another one who seems like she might be good, though we're not sure Maria can get in. She gives preference to cochlear implant kids, but she said she would try and squeeze Maria in.

Maria is completely recovered from her cold. She's been eating and drinking like a maniac, probably making up for how poorly she ate when she was sick. She's gotten so big that I finally had to turn the car seat around to face forward because she just doesn't fit if it faces backward. We resisted doing that since her sitting up was so delayed, but she has more control now so did really well yesterday in her first ride. Cathy tried carrying her in a backpack that the PT brought over, and Maria was moving around and craning her neck to see things as they walked along.


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