Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Sick again

It looks like poor Miss Maria is sick again, this time with some kind of stomach flu. She's become quite a little puke monster. Of course, someone has already suggested shunt failure. After all, every time some kid with hydrocephalus scratches her nose, it must be shunt failure. I know people mean well, but *sigh*. Anyhow, shunt failure gives Exorcist-style projectile vomiting not the regular stuff that Maria is doing so we know it's not that.

Maria was actually less fussy yesterday even though she was sick and had gotten very little sleep. She would get cranky, throw up, then be happy for a while. She did really well with the physical therapist and continues to show signs of imminent crawling. The PT was playing with a little flashlight and Maria did something kind of interesting. Whenever the light was shown into her left eye, she would turn her head like she was trying to get her right eye in the light. She didn't do the same thing when the light was shined into her right eye. It makes me wonder if her vision is much poorer in her left eye. We'll have to mention that to the ophthalmologist on Thursday.

Speaking of eyes, I think we've mentioned before that her eyes seem out of alignment. Both the ophthalmologist and the vision therapist have checked and say they are fine. I finally realized why they look like that. The inside corner of her left eyelid is a little droopy just like her grandma's were and it makes her left eye look off center. It's not really noticeable unless you are obsessively looking for problems like we do :)


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