Saturday, May 21, 2005

More Hearing and Feeding

Wednesday I realized that Maria's hearing aids weren't actually, you know, working. One made no sound and the other would cut in and out. So I fiddled with them and figured out the M/T switches appear to be the problem. I set them both to the middle setting and they started working. But I wonder what the downside of the middle setting is (like shorter battery life since it's also doing the telecoil?). We called the audiologist and she said next time we come in she'd check them. I kinda wish they'd been checked before they were put in...

Cathy and I have been a little disappointed with the current feeding therapist. There's no sense of long-term goals or milestones like the other therapies. She just fiddles with her every week. So Cathy met with another one this week. She's supposed to be the best in the city, and Cathy really liked her. She does TAMO therapy, which is "a new therapy approach to neurologic and orthopedic movement disorders based on current dynamic theories" per the TAMO website. Since the physical and occupational therapists also use TAMO, it seems like it should integrate better into her overall treatment.

Maria's scheduled for her upper GI on Friday the 3rd, and her EGD Monday the 6th. Or possibly the other way around.

Dad and Ida arrived yesterday, just in time for brief heat wave which is supposed to peak at 111° tomorrow. They leave in a couple of days. Rosanne arrives tomorrow and will stay a week.

You know, I just realized that Maria posted the "We're watching you..." post below. Pretty good for an 11-month old.


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