Sunday, May 08, 2005

Mother's Day

My first Mother's Day as Maria's mom (last year she was in my belly). She was very huggy today, and chatty. We took a walk, did a little shopping, I bought her some clothes because she's growing out of everything. She was yelling a little bit this afternoon. I hope it's just a short phase she's going through. Friday night she yelled from 9pm when I put her to bed until about 1:30am -- she's never done that before! I think it's her way of crying??? Her upper right tooth looks like it might be getting ready to come out, so maybe that's what's up? Maria sneezed out her feeding tube this evening, so I took advantage of it by giving her some tummy time. She's had the tube in 6 1/2 wks this time, taking nothing by bottle, and barely taking any milk by cup. I fed her tilapia, asparagus, andcereal w/banana and milk for dinner -- she ate a lot! So hopefully she'll sleep through the night and won't wake up because she's hungry (short of milk). I meet a potential nanny Wednesday, so keep your fingers crossed!!


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