New tooth
Maria's cutting her third tooth (upper left front). It popped through just yesterday and right now it's just a dot of white on her gumline.
One of her latest things is that she keeps trying to sit up. If I lay her down or put her in her swing, she leans forward like she's doing crunches. If I let her grab my hands she can pull herself up to a sitting position. She can't sit unassisted yet, but she's getting better at that. Another thing she's doing a lot lately is grabbing stuff with both hands. I'm not sure where that fits on the development scale, but it seems to give her more control. Yesterday she absolutely would not let me feed her unless she was holding the spoon (in both hands of course). It's wonderful that she wants to help, but it does kind of slow things down :)
We've started feeding her small pieces of fruit to get her used to chewing. She's done well with banana and papaya. She had her first pieces of advocado last night but obviously didn't like them. That's a little weird since she loves mashed advocado, but I guess the new texture was just too much for her. I've also tried letting her take the pieces and put them in her mouth, but that hasn't worked so well yet. They are just too small for good control, and she usually just mashes them in her hand. But we'll keep trying.
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