Tuesday, September 19, 2006

See What Can Happen?

Almost daily we talk about letting Maria do things on her own. "Leave her alone," we say, even while messing with her. Sometimes we let her feed herself, we encourage her to hold her own bottle, but generally her mom or dad or uncle or nanny do most everything for her... So imagine my surprise.... At about 1am, and again at 3am, 3:15, 3:30, Maria was coughing. Finally I got up, made her some juice to wet her whistle, gave her a few glugs, then put the bottle in her crib so I could grab it when she started coughing again. So, as I said, imagine my surprise, when at about 4:30 or 5am I heard her gulping, gulping, gulping!! She rolled over, grabbed her bottle, and started drinking! So amazing and exciting! And isn't that one of the great things about parenting a special kid--we celebrate and appreciate all her successes, whether big or tiny.

The other amazing thing Maria did was stand for Uncle Andy yesterday-a lot. He was holding her at the hips or waist and first she stood for about 5 minutes, then a little bit later she stood for 10-15 minutes! (He said her legs were so stiff, he thought she should use the stiffness for standing.)

And the mosquitoes are still loving her. First it was her feet, yesterday it was her legs. Huge welts that look like hives. I gave her a few doses of benedryl and it seemed to help. Fortunately they don't seem to itch, but they look awful.


Blogger Andy said...

Wow! That's great about the bottle. And you forgot to mention the "almost crawling" incident. Last Friday when the OT was there, Maria got up into crawling position and tried to move her arm and leg forward. She's definitely more interested in movement lately.

I want to add one note on the standing. Maria still stands on the sides of her feet, and she kept jumping in a way that makes it obvious that it sometimes hurts when she does that. It doesn't take much of a nudge to get her shift her feet to stand on them flat, but it usually takes two hands to hold her up so I don't have a third and fourth to play with her feet. I'm really hoping the AFOs will help with stability and really help with her standing

September 19, 2006 11:59 AM  

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