Thursday, June 23, 2005

Happy 1st Birthday!!

Maria Rose is 1 year old today!!! It's only 4pm and she's already done two amazing things. This morning she rolled over from her tummy to her back without any help! First time, I think. Her second amazing feat was she drank 4 1/2 oz of cow/soy milk from a bottle in about 10-15 minutes!!

If you don't know Maria, you don't know how great this is. She hasn't had a bottle in months and it usually takes from 15-30 min for her to drink 2 oz from an open cup. So imagine my excitement when she did so well today!

She pulled the NG tube out again yesterday afternoon, so we decided to give her some time without it. I think I'll keep it out all day since it's her birthday and I'm going to keep it out Sunday because that's her party, so maybe we'll keep it out for the few days in between. Keep your fingers crossed that the bottle thing wasn't just a one-trick pony trick. or something...

Anyway, Happy Birthday Maria, maybe we'll have steak and lobster for dinner (she had cod and peas for lunch, that's almost the same thing). haha

And immigration in Athens and the courts in Crete are still screwing around, so consequently, still no Manolis.


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